You Can Sleep When You're Dead

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But I really wish I could sleep now.

For the past month or so I have been experiencing night time insomnia. My waking hours are 4pm until anywhere from 6am-8am, when I am finally able to get some sleep.

It's really been taking a toll on me, and I have had to change my work schedule to fit with when I am awake, and it's also making it difficult to do my school work for my university classes. Even though I am awake all night, I'm not focused, but I'm always at work before that so I've been struggling to get everything done on time, and have my work be good quality.

I've tried SleepMD, melatonin, valerian root, warm milk, exercise. I've stayed up all day and night to try and reset my sleeping patterns and that hasn't worked either.

My doctor prescribed me on Zoloft and said that a side effect is drowsiness, so that might help. I've been on it for three weeks now, and it has helped with my depression but not my insomnia. Another side effect of Zoloft is trouble sleeping, so I'm sure that it's making my insomnia worse.

Doc told me to come back mid-March to see how Zoloft was working out, but I haven't been able to get a ride into town yet, so hopefully this Friday my boyfriend can get me an appointment, otherwise I'll have to wait until next week, but that means that I'll have to miss a couple hours of work.

I am hoping that because I am doing much better now, that I can stop taking Zoloft and see if that alone will help me sleep again, but if not, perhaps Doc will be able to prescribe some kind of sleeping pill?

For tonight, I bid you farewell.
'Tis time to cuddle up with my man and hopefully fall asleep until 7:30, when he leaves for work.
xoxo Nikki.